2015年3月7日 星期六

La Paz

CuscoLa Paz的車可算是痛苦的…從晚上十點,到第二天下午五點…差不多20個小時。

La Paz是海拔最高的行政首都城市(原來Sucre才是玻利維亞的首都,但更多的政府行部門是位於La Paz),最高點達到4,100米,但整個城市位處一個深谷,最低點約3,100米,單是La Paz本身,就已經有1,000米的落差。大巴是從La Paz高處的公路開始駛入,當我們開始遙望到位處深谷下的大片房屋,幾乎全車的旅客一同大呼,同時深深吸了一口氣!


本來在高海拔走路,稍為快一點已經會有點氣喘。在La Paz這三天,不管到那裏,都要爬陡峭的山坡,山坡上的城市是很漂亮但也讓人很累。


就在La Paz的近郊,是一個叫月亮谷的景點,這種地貌其實在坐纜車時不時看到。高高低低的房子。再配上這獨特的地貌,讓這城市擁有她自己的特點和吸引力!

雖然La Paz只是我們到天空之鏡的踏腳處,但這城市確有讓人喜歡的氣質!

By: Jo

The bus ride from Cusco to La Paz is a painful one, from 10pm till almost 5pm the next day… almost 20 hours.

La Paz is the highest administrative capital city in the world (well, Sucre is the capital but more govt admin departments are in La Paz), the highest elevation is about 4,100km.  However, the whole town is in a deep valley, the lowest elevation is about 3,100km.  Just for La Paz itself, there is a 1,000km difference in altitude. The bus arrive from the highway at the very top of La Paz, when we can see the deep valley from far away, almost everyone on the bus wow, and took a deep breath.

First, the city of La Paz lying inside this deep valley is so much bigger that we imagined, a big wow
Then, looking at the traffic ahead of us, can’t help but ….
With the surprise, you did need to take a few deep breath at this high altitude!

Walking at high altitude is by itself hard work, feel short of breath if we walk a bit fast.  In the three days in La Paz, no matter where you go, you are walking on steep slopes.  This city built in the deep valley is very beautiful yet tiring.

We have ride all three cable car lines, back and forth.  The cable cars travelled above the houses on the slopes, we can see people down there climbing the steps, it is really difficult to imagine that they are climbing up and down everyday, I don't think I will survive that.

The lunar valley lie just outside of the city, and has an unique landscape.  In fact, this kind of landscape can be seen around the La Paz city, esp when you travel on the cable car.  The houses on the valley slope, crossing over with this unique landscape make this city very special and attractive!

Although La Paz is only a stepping place for us to go to Uyuni, it does have its own charm!

By: Jo

