2015年4月28日 星期二

The first swim



還記得前兩天在Bachas beach登陸時下著雨,海灘上全是海龜下了蛋的沙洞。當時有數隻大鳥在盤旋,導遊Leo就說事有蹊蹺,他跑到沙丘邊,剛好看到一隻篬鷺捉了一隻還在沙洞內的小海龜。可憐這小海龜還沒看到陽光就已經成為別人的盤中餐,希望他的兄弟們平安。


今天,我們早上登陸Espumilla beach的海灘,然後在內陸一帶走了一圈再回到海灘上。正當我們在看沙灘上的鷹時,有人大喊『有小海龜呀!』,可能經過兩天前的經歷,大家馬上意識到是什麼事,直奔向小海龜,同時留意著天上有沒有獵食者。




By: Jo

It is very exciting to see sea turtles in the sea, and we have seen a good number of turtles this time.

But, seeing a baby sea turtle, smaller than my palm, when he just hatches from the egg and swim to the sea the first time, is so much more exciting.  I have no words that will describe how we felt, when we saw that by surprise.

I still remember 2 days ago, we landed at the Bachas beach when it was raining.  The beach is full of sand holes where the sea turtles have lay their eggs.  We saw a few big birds kept flying over a spot in circles and our guide Leo said that there must be something wrong.  When he ran to the spot, he saw a big blue heron just took a baby turtle and flew away.  This poor baby has become the heron's meal before he even sees sunlight, I hope the rest of his brothers are safe.  This is how it happens in nature, the survival rates of turtles are very low.  If they do not choose the right moment to run to the ocean, they are almost certainly eaten.

Today, we landed on Espumilla beach in the morning, and have a walk inland and come back to the beach.   When we were busy watching the Galapagos hawks, someone screamed "there is a baby turtle"!  Based on what happened 2 days ago, everyone seem to know exactly how to react now, we all run to the baby turtle and at the same time kept an eye on the sky for any potential predators.

So, the eleven of us surrounded the baby turtle and witnessed his first journey!! He made it to the sea and will survive!  Leo said that they are safe once they make it to the ocean, the mystery remains though, very rarely do we see a baby turtle in the sea, where were they during the period they make their first entry to the sea until they become an adult turtle?

I wish you all the best, and hope to see you again in the sea in the future!

By: Jo

