2015年4月22日 星期三

奇妙島 The amazing islands



很高興船上十個人都是懐著超亢奮的心情結束這個旅程,因為它造就了很多人生中的第一次! 想像一下,大家興奮地訴說自己在這幾天內最開心的第一二三四五…個時刻!






By:  Jo

How many will have a chance to visit the Galapagos twice in their life, and still want to go again?

This is an amazing place. .....

So happy that everyone on the ship were super high leaving the trip, because it created many "first time" in people's lives! Imagine everyone sharing their first, second, third, fourth and fifth best of the trip!

There are so many amazing things at the Galapagos.

The wildlife that stay closest to human, if we continue to respect them.

The most passionate travellers and wild life lovers who travel all the way!

We stayed three nights on land and then seven nights on board a boat.  When I landed today, I felt the land rocking, our backpack and everything inside are kind of wet smell like sea water.  The room is smelling the old laundry waiting to be cleaned.  I'm tired and need to rest before I can organize my thoughts and share with you all.

Good night!

By:  Jo

