2015年4月25日 星期六

藍舞 Blue dance



可惜所有這個星期的行程都不是我心目中最理想的,但反過來倒是有比較多我未到過的地點,其中一個就是第二天下午登陸的Punta Pitt。這個點是我們選Flamingo的主因,因為在這裡可以看到加拉巴戈的所有三種boobies!

當然,我們有看到全部三種boobies,包括blue footed, red footed和nazca boobies。但當天最精彩的表演是壓軸的blue footed boobies求偶舞蹈!

我們只能在指定的步道上走,走到中末段,導遊Alfonso說他聽到blue footed的叫聲在近處,開始我們還半信半疑,誰知再走幾步,他們就在眼前的崖邊。


雄性和雌性均對對方有好感,發出求偶的叫聲和擺出美妙的姿態!我也特別鍾情於blue footed boobies的步姿,他們是最可愛的!


By: Jo

We started planning the Galapagos trip in the second half of March, by estimating when we were going to leave Brazil, and we started our search online. 

I have decided upfront to find a 8 days cruise (which proves to be correct decision).  And based on the dates we can make, and the fact that there are only a few economic ships, we quickly narrowed it down to 3-4 choices.

Unfortunately, this week's itineraries are not my ideal option, yet, on the flip side, the itineraries have more visitor sites which I have not been to.  One of them is Punta Pitt, where we landed in the second afternoon.  This location is why we choose the Flamingo, because we would be able to see all three types of boobies here. 

Of course, we did see all three types of boobies - the blue footed, red footed and nazca boobies.  However, the best came at last - the courtship dance of the blue footed boobies!

When landing, we can only walk on designated paths, when we are more than halfway done, our guide Alfonso said he heard some blue footed boobies nearby.  At first, we were skeptical, but then we saw them just right near the cliff in front of us.

We slowly approached and they flew away.  Alfonso said they really don't care about us, they flew away just to find a better spot.  That was true, because they landed right near the trail in front of us just then, and start their courtship dancing which we usually only get to see on a documentary!!

The male and female both like each other, and started their courtship dance and making of their sound.  I really love to see the blue footed boobies walking as they have this very special steps.  They are the cutest bird!!

Here is their dancing ...

By: Jo

