2014年5月11日 星期日

客棧日記 Guesthouse diary – 越野e族(下)





後來一問下來,原來她們是e族的女同學!! 「陽光」是車手,也會在賽場上比拼的那種,而她的朋友怎麼看都不像個飆車的,原來她是個愛拍照的。她說因為車手也需要有拍照的人,所以e族裡的也有很多是攪攝影的。





by: Jo

Last time, I mentioned that seven FBLIFE members came on May 3, with their 4x4s.

They left in the rain on the morning of May 5.

On the same day, there came two girls, who also came straight for Sunny Guesthouse.  They brought some gifts for auntie Hu as well but we have no clue how they are related.

We later found out that they are also from FBLIFE, “Sunshine” drives 4x4 and also races, but her friend does look adventurous at all.  Oh, she is a photographer and she told us that they are many FBLIFE members who are photographers because the fleets of SUVs will need photographers to support.

They did not drive a 4x4 and just hired a minivan on the next day.  We went with them again but weather is not playing well, we give up going down to HaDanPu because it was too foggy.

In the evening, we had a good time talking, “Sunshine” has been trying to poison us with the photos of their trips to places where ordinary people can go. One of the most stunning place is NiuBei Mountain in Yunnan.  You cannot imagine how crazy they are… members of FBLIFE who lives near the mountain will watch for weather. Once they see suitable weather, they will drive from Kunming in the afternoon, and go all the way to the mountain peak of NiuBei Mountain.  They will set up the tent there and wait for sunrise.  At dawn, the sea of clouds there is so enormous and there are even “cloud fall” in the mountain!! Even photos taken by a handphone is going to impress you!

According to “Sunshine”, some single person is driving their 4x4 to Tibet in mid May, we can totally take a ride.  Unfortunately, we cannot leave in mid May.

The moment they left, I am already being poisoned.  Well, this poison is a slow one, I will have to cure it slowly too….

by: Jo

