2014年12月31日 星期三







By: Jo

Looking back at 2014, it is definitely a year of change!

Have studied and worked hard for half of my life, what I earned is a choice of freedom.  Travelling round the world is only a simple way to put it, the real idea is to do whatever we like, including travelling according to our own pace...stay longer where we enjoy and not have to rush, go where we want,  this is how we travel.

There is always surprises when you travel.  Who can tell that we stopped at Yuanyang during our SEA trip and ended up working as guesthouse reception and cook.  Who knows we would meet a group of good friends at Yuanyang. I didn't expect to have such a great time having extra travel companions!!

Do I miss work?  Not yet....I don't mind working, it's just that I am really happy and satisfied with my life right now!

Heading into 2015, still planning for more travelling.  Whoever wants to join us will need to rise their hands now!

By: Jo

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