2014年7月14日 星期一

佛羅倫斯 翡冷翠 FIRENZE

無論是佛羅倫斯,翡冷翠還是Firenze, 無論那一個名字都漂亮,讓我對這地方充滿著浪漫的遐想

在佛羅倫斯朋友家中寄宿了八個晚上,生活很閒適。一部份時間在幫忙朋友準備婚禮的裝飾,但更多是在享受意大利美食和悠閒地休息,和老友聚舊。別的不說,家中有一個會做飯的男人,是一個女人的幸褔!! 想來想去,我們四個真應該住在一塊(至少在旁邊),有人煮飯,有人洗碗,而我們倆就享受這生活,天天做手作,如果手作能糊口當然更好….做夢中….

在外面吃的固然是美味,美食推介是牛肚和超大的T骨牛扒。我們已習慣了意大利人對於我們兩個人點一個薄餅的蔑視目光,聽說我們那天十個人點了兩份各1.8kgT骨牛扒,還是有點...待應建議十人應點51.2kg,即是共6kg,就是說每人要吃上1磅以上!! 天呀! 還有「意式天婦羅」也不錯,會炸意大利番瓜的花,,和其他瓜菜,但炸香菇是首選,濃得化不過的菌味現在還回味中。

但外面的美食再好也及不上家中大厨!! 特別是他對煮食的熱愛和「豪邁」的烹調風格,感覺如行雲流水,絶不造作,我們這些食客享受的不止是結果,還有當中的過程!



by: Jo

Firenze, and its two translated names in Chinese, they are all beautiful names.  Because of the names, I have always had a wonderful and romantic fantasy about Florence.

We live in a friend’s place for 8 nights, and have been really relaxing.  We were helping our friend to prepare a few things for the wedding, but even more, we have been enjoying Italian cuisine, relaxing, and chit chat with old friend.  No to mention the rest, I always believe that it is a woman’s bliss to have a man who cooks!  I really believe that the four of us should live together (or at least next door), one would cook, the other would do the dishes and we will get to enjoy life!  We can do our handicrafts all day, and hopefully some of them can make money also …. Day dreaming….

Delicious meals at restaurants, highly recommend trippa and huge T-bone steak.  We are already used to Italian’s despise look when the two of us order one pizza.  Apparently, ordering two 1.8kg T-bone steaks for ten are still …. The waiter actually recommended that we should order five portions of 1.2kg, which means 6kg and each person has to eat more than one pound of T-bone steak!! Oh my god!! I also like the “Italian tempura”, they fry zucchini flowers and also other vegetables, but I personally love the fried mushrooms.  The strong mushroom flavor is still something that I miss over time.

No matter how well we dine out, the chef at home is better!! Especially when you see the passion in cooking and watch the way he cooks, so casually and naturally.  We do not only enjoyed the dishes but the process also!

We of course did some tourist activities also but not the focus here.  I was tired of going to museums.  The Duomo in Firenze is truly beautiful though, it is by far the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen.  However, you really don’t need to queue up to go inside, nothing much to see in there.  

What I enjoyed most in Italy is wondering around on the streets.  Balconies always have some colorful flowers or different types of cactus, each one is a picture.  Any one street lamp or a hanging sign board is something for a postcard.  I love the streets and alleys in Firenze, they are all movie scenes, wondering on the street is so enjoyable!

by: Jo

