2014年3月30日 星期日

古芝地道 Cu Chi Tunnels


古芝市位於胡市西北方約40多公里,此地道系統全長二百多公里,由無數寛度不足80厘米,縱橫交錯而組成; 而且一共有三層結構,蔚為奇觀! 此地道原為越南抵抗法國統治時,由農民兵徒手挖掘了20多年的地下戰道,後來越戰時改為越共游擊隊所用的重要基地。地道內結構複雜,建有醫院,起居室,睡房,會議室,作戰房間等等等等出入口當然有偽裝掩飾,還設有各種捕獸器,敵人不知道便會中招。地道還有通風系通,游擊隊日間在地下生活,晚上的森林就是他們的世界。由於古芝就在西貢河旁邊,地道還有一逃生口通往西貢河。

地道當然只有一小部份開放給遊人,而且已擴闊以便身形比較大的西方遊客也可勉強進入。我們嘗試過地道的入口,真的很窄; 在地道入走(應該是爬才對)200,我們已筋疲力竭,呼吸困難真難想像越共游擊隊是生活在地道內。

1.      在胡志明市四周都有旅行社,參加古芝地道半日遊大約是VND100,000
2.      有一日團是會加上參觀西寧的高台廟的,我們非常想去,因為西寧是高台教的發源地,而且    這是這越南特有的宗教最大的廟,但因為安排上出了問題,結果無緣了,有機會的話一定要    去。一日團好像也只是約VND150,000.
3.      古芝地道另需付入場費每人VND90,000.

by: Jo

Around HCMC, I highly recommend you to visit the Cu Chi tunnels. 

Cu Chi is a town around 40km NW of HCMC. The Cu Chi tunnels is a tunnel system up to over 200km long, an immense network of tunnels less than 80cm wide and has three levels underground.  The tunnel system was originally used by Vietnamese peasant fighters to fight against the French.  Later on during the Vietnam war, the Viet Cong guerrillas used the tunnel system as their base. The structure inside the tunnel systems are amazing, it has hospitals, living room, sleeping quarters, meeting rooms, etc. etc… the tunnel system is entered thro camouflaged trap doors and there are booby traps all around the area.  The tunnel system also has ventilation systems.  The VC guerrillas live underground during the day and they control the forest at night.  Since Cu Chi is just next to Saigon river, there is also an escape path leading to Saigon river.

Of course, only a small portion of the tunnel system is now open for visit.  They have already been enlarged to fit Western tourists.  We tried the trap door, it is very narrow.  Walked (should say crawled) in the tunnel for 200m, and we are already exhausted and crying for air…. It is very hard to imagine the live of the VC guerrillas inside the tunnel.

1.      In HCMC, there are many tour agents.  A half day tour to Cu Chi tunnel costs around VND 100,000.
2.      There is also full day tour that also goes to the Cao Dai temple in Tay Ninh.  I will highly recommend that as this is origin of Cao Dai and has the biggest Cao Dai temple of this unique religion in Vietnam.  We missed it due to some problem with the tour arrangement.  One day tour is VND 150,000.

3.      The entrance fee to Cu Chi tunnel is VND 90,000 per pax.

by: Jo

